Pay Per Click

Do you need to create targeted leads and rapid sales? Our team of Certified AdWords experts will work as one of the top Google Premier Partners to meet your sales ROI objectives!

Successful Campaign Creation

Anyone can design a PPC campaign, but an effective one demands extensive investigation and analysis. We design your campaign to attract the ideal clients to you.

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Using keywords that work. Without going overboard with your money, we look for the keywords that would make your advertisement succeed. We ensure that you are operating at your maximum capacity by taking into account the competition and other elements.

image of Landing Page Selection

Choosing a landing page. The landing page you choose when establishing a PPC ad is crucial. When someone clicks on your advertisement, we will work to ensure that they are sent to a landing page with an effective call to action that will offer them the highest chance of converting.

image of Writing engaging ads

Creating interesting advertisements. How your ads are worded is one of the most crucial elements of a successful campaign. We create ads that not only tempt viewers to click on them but also nudge them into making a purchase.

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image of PPC optimization pay per click

On-Going PPC Campaign Optimization

Set it and forget it is not our guiding principle. We consistently improve your campaigns so they achieve new levels and bring in the finest clients with a strong return on investment.

image of Solid testing of ads

Strong ad testing. To ensure your ads are operating as efficiently as possible, our staff continually assesses their effectiveness. By A/B testing several ads, we continuously strive to increase the standard.

image of Reacting to user trends

Following user patterns. User patterns may be used to assist us in deciding how the advertisement may need to be modified to be effective. We monitor these patterns to see where clicks are occurring and how your ad may be changed to profit from them.

image of Keyword ranking reports.

Monitoring the performance of keywords. Ensure that your budget is being spent effectively. Based on the keywords that are producing the highest conversions, we establish ROI targets and adjust bids appropriately.

PPC Performance Reporting

Regarding your PPC campaigns, we make sure you won’t have to make any educated guesses. It’s critical that you be kept informed and engaged with any adjustments to the campaign, new user patterns, or new data we learn from our testing, we make sure you’re always involved.

image of Search spend insight

Spend time in research. In order for you to fully understand the value of your search budget, our team will offer insight into how it is being used.

image of Conversion data

Information about conversions. Making better-informed selections is possible when you are aware of the ads and keywords that convert customers for your company.

image of Data at your fingertips

Data at your convenience. You will receive an online dashboard where you can get immediate access to all of the crucial data about your sponsored search campaign.

image of PPC Reporting pay per click

Frequently Asked Questions

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PPC stands for Pay-per-click and is an internet advertising method used to win direct traffic to your website. PPC management is the practice of outsourcing these efforts to an agency or professional who can optimize your ads and maximize your budget.

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Google Ads charges you per click on your ad, and the amount your charges varies based on a variety of factors. The average cost per click is between $1 to $2, but some industries are so competitive that you can expect up to $50 per click. Small-to-medium businesses can easily spend thousands of dollars on advertising with good results.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Using any PPC platform, especially Google Ads, will require money and time to optimize. That said, thousands of businesses advertise successfully on this platform, and the average business makes $2 for every $1 they spend on ads. Base your decision on whether or not you think you can get an ROI. If you do the math and it’s clear PPC advertising will not work for your business, consider Local, National, or Ecommerce SEO as a worthwhile alternative to Pay Per Click Marketing.

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The viability of pay-per-click depends on your business, product, and a metric called Cost per Acquisition. The average business only completes a sale on 2-10% on their ads, but they still spend money on each click.

You’ll have to balance your cost per acquisition with your hard costs and margin to see if pay-per-click is viable. While there may be guides in your industry that encourage or discourage pay-per-click, the only way to know for sure is to create, optimize, and experiment on your ads.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Pay-per-click is simple in theory. You create an ad and establish a budget through Google’s advertising platform. Google then displays your ad on their Search or Display Network.

Based on the parameters you set, Google will show your ad in their search engine results page when a user searches for certain terms (Search), or in designated areas in the header or sidebar of a page (Display). Google charges you a small fee whenever a user clicks your ad, hence “pay-per-click.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Google only charges the minimum amount needed to continue serving your ad. They determine the dollar amount based on your industry, how optimized your ad is, and the competitiveness of the search term you’re advertising on. Pay Per Click
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

As a general rule, responsive ads are considered the most effective at driving action no matter which Network you advertise on. These ads can adapt to whatever device your user is on without issue, which means they can click through and covert universally.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The average cost to run an ad on YouTube is between $0.10 to $0.30 per view. That means every time your ad gets shown, you pay a small fee to YouTube (even if the viewer skips the ad).

YouTube also has an independent advertising platform, which means it won’t work through your Google Ads account. However, it’s still possible to run Display ads on YouTube, which may be cheaper and more effective.